Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ussery Scores Telegraph Endorsement

It's something when the primary challenger beats out the incumbent for the endorsement of the local newspaper. That's exactly what happened today when the Telegraph gave the nod to Republican Theron Ussery in the Bibb Commission Chair race. Theron hasn't raised a lot of money in his effort to oust Bibb Commission Chair Charlie Bishop. If he had raised enough money to effectively communicate with voters, I think Bishop would really be sweating Tuesday's primary. Bishop's inability to work well with others was apparently what swayed the editorial board.

Ussery is certainly the better candidate, but he did not run the stronger campaign, so I suspect that Bishop will prevail on Tuesday. Regardless, Sam Hart has an excellent opportunity to win in November. Everyone I talk with is ready for leadership that puts the well being of this community ahead of ego.

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