Friday, October 26, 2007

David Lucas Doesn't Think Corr Qualified in Time

Rep. David Lucas dropped by my office this afternoon. Because our municipal elections in Macon are partisan, Lucas says he believes David Corr did not qualify in time to run as a write-in campaign against James Timley. Rep. Lucas says he bases his objection on state law. Lucas has made his case to election officials and called the press.

This is going to be interesting to watch. Anyone who thinks Corr can't win a write-in campaign wasn't in Macon when he got about 25 % of the vote in the mayor's race-as a write-in candidate. Now, he has greater name ID, and, frankly, he's been working to win. He has signs out, and Corr is making the political rounds. Plus, this is an opt-in election, so motivated voters in favor of change may carry the day.

Bottom line: Democrats need to plan to vote in the general election.

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