Thursday, August 24, 2006

Preventing 800,000 Abortions a Year

That's what the research says can happen as a result of today's decision by the FDA to allow OTC access to Emergency Contraception (EC). This is long past due and a decision to celebrate. In addition to preventing as many as 1.5 million unplanned pregnancies a year, some estimate that this move will prevent as many as 800,000 abortions.

When Georgia ranks 41st in the nation in rate of teen (15-17) pregnancies, and almost half a million of Georgia's children live in poverty, it is clear that unplanned pregnancy is a public health crisis. This is one step toward prevention. The next step is making sure that those teens have access to this important form of birth control.

Now maybe we'll hear something on the HPV vaccine....

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1 comment:

MelGX said...

This was certainly the best news of the month, if not the year. I'm still stunned that it happened under this administration.